Our parents on the other hand gave us warning. Don't talk to strangers, don't believe everything you're told, don't put your picture online, don't tell anyone where you live, etc. We did it anyways, or at least most of it. We posted our pictures online. Lots of them in fact. Pictures of us, our friends, our family, and everything else we took pictures of.
As websites like MySpace got bigger, things started popping up in the news. A young teenage girl, kidnapped and raped. One teen beat up another teen over a message left online. This wasn't a slow growing problem, it was a tidal wave taking over the world.
Occasionally, you will come across someone who doesn't have a MySpace or a Facebook, and it shocks you. "You don't have one?! Why not?!" There answer: "It's just too much drama." And it is. MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, all of them... they cause drama. You see teens fighting over something that a mutual friend had posted as their status.
My boyfriend has a Facebook, yet it didn't say we were in a relationship. I had asked him why was this, because it said it on mine. He just looked at me and said "Does it really matter if it's Facebook official?" and that is when I took a step back and said; "Well, no, I guess it doesn't. I just like the thought of it really." OR did I really mean, I just want everyone to know you're MINE MINE MINE! Is it a power thing, or do I really not care? He ended up changing it because it made me a bit happier, but now that I sit and think about it... there was no sense in arguing over it.
So, my question to you is; is Social Networking worth all the hassle and fuss? Is it worth the 'drama' that comes in the package when you submit your information? Sure, it helps to know as many people as possible, but just keep it safe. What you put on there is viewable by everyone, and if it's not meant to be seen by the world, maybe you should re think about posting it.
Talk to you soon!
-Andrea Fasten